Thursday, May 27, 2010

I read an article about the future of multimedia in education.

Radford, A. (1997). The Future of Multimedia in Education. First Monday. 11(2) Retrieved May 27, 2010, from

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I made my rocket fly in about 10 minutes!!! wooo hooo, stress level is starting to go down!!!

Bouncing Ball

Flash assignment that was fairly easy thanks to Mike...Thanks Mike. Tutorial was for Flash CS4 and I was working on CS3. took about 8 minutes. click here to view

Form Shooting Tutorial.mp4

This was a bit of a frustrating assignment as well. I started on Adobe cs4 and when I returned to finish the editing, it would not re-open and gave me the message, program not responding. So needless to say, I had to go back to the class lab and start all over with cs3....Thanks Dr. Ebersol for the extra time that was needed by more than just me :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

perez saleen edit.mp4

This was a fun project to learn the basics of Adobe Premiere. The assignment was to complete the Saleen 30-second ad tutorial using Adobe Premiere. We also had to include one additional graphic (in addition to the Saleen logo) of our own design. After completing the project, we had to convert the final movie to .mp4 format, upload to YouTube, and make it available as an embedded clip in our blog...which is what you see!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This assignment required me to conduct an interview with someone who I thought may have a story to tell. My task was to take a 15-20 minute recording and edit down to 4-5 minutes. For my interview edit, I interviewed a 2nd grader and asked a wide variety of questions. I got some of the the questions and topics from Kids say the Darndest Things, which is usually a guarantee for some funny answers. It was a fun assignment just do complete the interview, let alone all of the editing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It will be posted ASAP

Audio Story

I have yet to post my audio story because I don't have the correct folders on the server to post my MP3 on the net. But aside from that, this was a cool little project that allows individuals to be creative and make what they want. I didn't really know what to do in the short amount of time, but I had fun with it...will post ASAP

Friday, May 14, 2010

Layering Flowers of Hawaii

My only major problem with this assignment was one of two computer, or the program...I was watching the tutorial video on layering at the same time I was doing the project thinking I could just follow along. I received the message, "program not responding" two different times. After this, I thought I may have had too many things going on at one time, so I shut the video off and only had PhotoShop open.... I had to start over five times because I got the infamous box "program not responding". Finally when it happened the sixth time I just got up and left to lunch. I was frustrated and wanted to throw my computer out the window. When I returned an hour or so later, I had another box about applying the image. I hit ok and it worked so maybe it just needed some time to think and process while I was out doing the same thing. Overall, the task and process for the project wasn't hard at all...just the technology piece, as I'm sure we have all experiened at one point or another.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dog Montage

So far so good...this is assignment # 2. I started with a digital head shot of myself. I had to create three "treatments" of my photo that I felt would illustrate dimensions of my personality. THen, create a montage of the four images (original plus 3 "treatments"). I chose my Halloween portrait as Dog the Bounty Hunter. Classy, i know :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

F.I.T.T. Formula

Howdy folks...This is my first blog post for Multimedia Design 534. My task was to use any software application and create a message/saying/proverb/slogan etc. that communicates some aspect of my personal philosophy of life/work/ or education. My finished presentations includes two compatible font families (Serif and Sans Serif) , unicode text and rasterized text.

I chose the F.I.T.T. formula which is displayed.